Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Power of One.

Aggregate response data from surveys can be great for showing overall customer opinions straight from the horses mouth; and some intelligent data segmentation can provide insights into where services and products can be improved...But when personalisation of service and a quick response to unhappy customers is required, don't underestimate the power of a single survey response! I wanted to give you an example of where a B2B service provider is using customer surveys to great effect at the most granular level.

The organisation in question deploys a very short survey to a 1/3rd of it's customer base every month. This means that each of it's customers gets surveyed four times per year. The first question in the survey asks a custmer how likely they are to recommend the organisation based on a scale of 0-10. If a customer answers anything from 0-6, they are considered as high risk - likely to leave as soon as an alternative supplier appears, and/or likely to recommend people NOT to use the organisations services.

Using Clicktools software, any response to a customer survey that falls into the 0-6 bracket triggers an ALERT email to a retention specialist who can contact that customer and resolve any issues they may have. This process has proven to produce some strong advocates of the company, impressed with the swift and personal response they have experienced - The power of one!